Wives and Fishing go together like Oil and Water

I was sitting here drinking my morning coffee and I looked at my wife and said, “Baby, what should I write about?” Me, me, me was her reply.  So, wives and fishing was born….Wives and fishing or girlfriends and fishing, the combo just goes together like oil and water.  It’s a hard mix!!!!  Obviously we are the water and the other half is the oil….. How do we convert the oil to water?  I have tried many different things and I know there are a lot of fishermen in the same boat.  Whew!!! This is a tough one.  Whats the fix? Have a kid and hope they love fishing so you can use them as an excuse to get on the water, ummm…. that would take to long, I need to go fishing now.

I have had many uhhh……conversations. Yep, thats what I’m calling them, Conversations! With my wife about my addiction to fishing.  It’s not that I’m just addicted to fishing, but everything fishing related.  I’m either scouring the internet “researching” , talking on the phone for countless hours about fishing, or out on the water fishing.  Fishing consumes a large part of my day life, and then I top it off with my newest addiction…writing about fishing.  Man, I got the fishing bug bad.  I just love the sport, is that so wrong?  I don’t watch football or basketball, but I will turn on the boob tube and see what visual fishing delights my DVR has recorded.  I even talk to my non-fishing friends about fishing..LOL.  I got one loving and understanding wife, that’s for sure.

My wife Tarah with her limit of reds

First things first, never use the excuse of being tired from a day of fishing.  You gotta pay to play, so when the wife wants to go do something after a long tournament day;  Put that smile on your face and find your third or fourth wind.

communicate, communicate, communicate!!!!!  At the beginning of every year I pull out the calendar and mark all the dates of fishing tournaments and pre-fishing days. Think of it as a proposal or a wish list, but once it’s inked in its golden.

I’m going to try to be a man of my word on this next one.  How about stopping at the grocery store on the way home from that fishing trip and picking up a few flowers for that special woman in your life.  Think about it, the next time you want to go fishing she might not give you the second degree.

How about this novel idea!  Take your wife fishing. I’m not talking about having her come along on a fishing trip.  This time you get to play the guide and your main goal is to put your wife on fish.  Make the trip about her and show her the ropes.  My wife loves to fish every now and then, and she’s chomping at the bit to get on the water soon.

Those are just a few thoughts and suggestions about mixing the oil with the water.  Hopefully it brought a laugh to your day and maybe a few ideas about what you can do to make your next fishing trip about fishing and not about guilt!

Until next time

Cast til your arms fall off,


2 comments on “Wives and Fishing go together like Oil and Water

  1. I would have to agree with everything you said. I really need to work on bringing those flowers home also and not using the excuse I am tired.
    Excellent advice.
    Gnett Fishing

  2. As a fishing widow myself, I appreciate this post! During Striper Season (March-June & Sept-Dec) I feel like I’m single again I spend so much time alone! I actually went so far as to start a “Fishing Widow” forum while my bf was out fishing last night. http://fishingwidows.freeforums.org/
    Your “widow” is welcome to join!

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